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Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine is a well described and clinically based, centuries old medicine used by over 500 million people worldwide, including the Queen and the Royal Family.


This system of medicine views the dynamics of health and disease through the innate energy system of the body. With the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies all connected, an energertic imbalance can manifest on all of these levels. It is the job of the homeopath to 'listen to the symptoms' that the body is communicating, using this thread to connect the whole individual picture of the whole person.


After an in-depth and thorough consulation, a homeopathic remedy will be carefully selected based on one's unique and individual picture. The homeopathic remedy will stimulate the innate healing capacity within the entire person and lead you along your path to health and wellness.



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© 2016 Trace Natural Health

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